Thursday 5 September 2013

Easy Cookie Recipe

After following my own advice, I woke up after a dream filled deep sleep, feeling refreshed and enlightened. Other than the copious amount of sugar I consumed throughout, it was a pretty ordinary day. It started with my good friend Lizz coming over and the pair of us baking our little hearts out, using a recipe that was meant to be "healthy" as far as cookies go, but ended up being not so, after adding our Terrys chocolate orange, Smarties and Minstrels to the dough. (Don't get me wrong I do feel slightly hypocritical after claiming to be into my health, but it's okay to treat yourself now an again- or at least that's what i tell myself).

Here are the cookies before their transition to deliciousness in the oven. I am no experienced cookie baker and I have to say they came out far too thick-almost like a sweet bread, so I definitely do not recommend having them as thick as this!

To make these delights you will need:

250g of plain flour
A pinch of baking soda
125g brown sugar
70g white sugar (omit if adding in chocolate or being healthy)
1 large egg
Around 200ml milk (healthy alternative to oil/butter)
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
A pinch of salt

Firstly, we preheated the oven to 180 degrees before going on to mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl, followed by the vanilla essence and the egg. We mixed these all together and then added in the milk. We did this gradually, whilst stirring as to not over moisten the mix and make it too gloopy to handle!

We then put rather large balls (definitely make smaller and flatter if you try!!) onto a baking tray and put into the oven for 10 minutes, left to cool for another 20 and then gobbled up! 
Best enjoyed with a good friend over a glass of cold milk. 

I hope this has been helpful, enjoy!

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