Thursday 23 January 2014

Essential Supplement: Fish Oils

Hello everyone!

I will start the post with a one-too-familiar apology for my extended absence, but you’ll hopefully be pleased to know that I’m back for good this time. Over the last few months i'v been pretty busy with Uni, exams and meeting some wonderful people and have so much to share. I can’t wait to do some reviews on recent purchases and Christmas presents so hopefully the next few posts will be of interest to you, but for now, my absolute favorite topic-Fish Oils.

Over the last 3 years of study this is one thing I have learned and never forgotten, and I’m talking about the countless benefits of fish oils. 
Being a future Pharmacist-and a self appointed advocate of health I feel it my duty to recommend this to almost everyone-If there is a single change you make this week-make it this.
Most benefits of these fish oils have to do with fatty acids DHA and EPA produced and maintained by omega 3 products. DHA is essential to brain development, whereas EPA is influential on behavior and mood. Both DHA and EPA generate neuroprotective metabolites such as resolvins and protectins which regulate/prevent inflammatory mediators and factors influencing some cancers and tumours.

1. Boost Your Brainpower

 I am that person walking around prior to an exam with a stash of cod liver oil capsules. Some say it is a placebo but many-myself included-see a huge difference in attention span and memory.  Why this occurs is not known entirely, but could be to do with the structure of omega 3. Fish oils contain omega 3 which is a class of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Having a diet high in polyunsaturated fatty acids-which are very healthy, and oppose those dreaded "saturates" has been shown to make cell membranes within the body more fluid. This high fluidity allows neurotransmitters (signals from the brain) to travel quicker and easier through the body giving the observed effects. as well as this, regarding my previous introduction, there are derivatives of omega 3 called EPA and DHA which makes up a large part of brain tissue These metabolited are linked to cognitive function and mental focus which also lead to higher brainpower. These reduce in quantity as we grow older so taking fish oil supplements can help to maintain normal brain function throughout our lives.

2. Banish the Blue
"In countries where the average fish consumption is high we see lower rates of depression."
A reason for this related to what was just mentioned about the fluidity of the cell membrane. As some of you may know there is large significance of serotonin signalling with depression. This is a chemical messenger responsible for relaying signals in the brain between difference cells hence why it is believed to have such a big affect on mood. Sometimes depression may arise due to the serotonin not being able to reach its receptor site and so it's hypothesized that if the plasma membranes in brain cells are more fluid, the signal can travel easier and quicker, reaching its target effectively.Relating back to EPA and DHA, some people with depression are found to have low levels of these particular fatty acids and so taking supplements can boost this and may reduce chance of depression. 

3. See the benefits..literally
As mentioned above, fish oils help generate fatty acids called DHA and EPA. As well as in the brain, these are also found in the retina and may be important in maintaining eye function at a high level, for as long as possible. As well as this, EPA particularly, influences oil production of the skin as well as working to prevent acne and the ageing process,by increasing hydration. Because it is also an anti-inflammatory agent it may reduce tired, red and puffy looking skin. It also protects against free radicals-known to cause health conditions and premature aging, as well as stimulating production of healthy skin cells. On top of this, it also has positive affects on hair growth and condition.What's there not to love? 

4.Cardiovascular Health and Fitness
There are countless beneficial outcomes of fish oils on cardiovascular health and most of this centers around its observed reduction in blood pressure and triglyceride levels. High blood pressure is a growing problem around the world and can have a profound affect on someones life. As well as this, high triglyceride levels are shown to cause hardening of the arteries with a build up of fatty substances called plaque. These two factors together can be detrimental causing irreparable damage to the arteries leading to serious problems such as strokes, heart attacks, angina and blood clots.
EPA and DHA being inflammatory mediators can reduce the blood pressure and is also seen to reduce the levels of triglycerides in the blood, and increasing the level of healthy fat in the blood.These factors therefore play a hugely important role in cardiovascular health for everyone whether you are healthy or not so healthy.
In terms of fitness, fish oils have indicated that they promote increased blood flow and therefore oxygen to the lungs during exercise as well as to help the recovery process thereafter.

 Because there are so many reasons I am forced to stop and do a part 2 so please keep reading! Hope I have got everyone keen!

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